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Comparing Commercial Roofing Quotes: Things to Consider

Comparing Commercial Roofing Quotes: Things to Consider

February 5, 2021

When you need the services of commercial roofing contractors to replace or repair your roof, commercial roofing contractors near me are the best place to start. The decision-making process surrounding commercial roofing boils down to details. It starts with the bidding process that drives the competition. Commercial roofing in Toronto is ultra-competitive, and the costs are only a small part of the bidding scenario. To find the sweet spot, you need to line up bids in an apples-to-apples comparison to determine what each proposal brings to the table and how it fits with the needs of your building.

Seven Things to Consider When Choosing A Commercial Roofing Contractor

Historical Review of The Contractor

We trust our associates to help us navigate the process for contractor selection, and in many cases, they can recommend contractors they are associated with professionally. One thing, though, an additional investigation should be conducted – search social media sites and the web to find out if they are part of a trade association or how long they have been operating as a contractor. At a minimum, you are seeking a contractor that has five-years service in the industry. Anything less, and you could be dealing with an inexperienced crew that may not have the depth needed for the work. To provide security and confidence, look for a contractor with 10-years of experience. That timeline will assure you that they have confronted all of the obstacles in the roofing business. Longevity says a company has a professional reputation that is important to them, and their name is their brand. When reviewing contractors, ask about past work that aligns with your needs. Then ask who can vouch for them in light of your needs.

Insurance Coverage Comparisons

All contractors must carry insurance for liability that covers several issues. Personal injury, property damage, and business interruptions that affect your business should be part of the insurance package that a contractor holds. The amount of coverage should be directly proportionate to the risks involved. The insurance coverage should have the capacity to deal with water and fire emergencies also. The insurance company should provide a certificate that attests to the value of insurance they provide for a contractor. When hiring for a commercial roofing job, look for at least five million dollars in coverage. Also, ask the contractors about WSIB. It is insurance that will cover an employee hurt on your premises performing work-related duties.

Safety Is Job One

One overlooked statistic can shed a bright line on a contractor’s operations, and it should be pro forma when discussing your options for a contractor. An Experience Modification Rate details the claims made for compensation for job-site injuries. The lower the number, the safer the contractor operates on-site, and you should ask for its inclusion in the estimate/bid for your roofing work. Consequently, a low number will indicate that the company and its employees practice safety standards at a high level, which is essential. Wearing safety gear, using equipment designed to promote safety and running regular training sessions that promote safety are precautions that every contractor should take.

How Work Is Defined

When you assign a project for a quote, review it; to determine that the scope of the work you require is in the proposal. If you receive a quote that in no way matches the work you need, discard it immediately. The devil, as they say, is in the details, don’t overlook them. A quote should be set in stone, but remember, items are subject to price changes. You need to know how the changes can vary the price.

Materials Must Stand Up to Scrutiny

When auditioning roofing contractors, look at the bids to see if they all propose using the same materials for your roofing work, as it will provide a straight comparison. Quality is one thing that can cause a price to vary, and lower quality materials come in at lower costs. Materials requirements for your building are influenced by outside factors, like climate and weather. And details must meet project goals – if they don’t, the project will fail. Insulation is an overlooked item for roofing work, and R-value is the determining factor. The government mandates the amount of insulation needed to achieve energy use goals.

Also Read: The Best Materials to Use When Building a Commercial Flat Roof

Compare the Warranty Offers You Receive

Manufacturer warranties and contractor warranties are vital for a company purchasing roofing work. Products have guarantees for up to 30 years; and labour for as much as ten years. Any warranty should intersect with your goals for the work needed. Your contractor should be able to advise you on what works best for your interests. Short warranties are a giveaway that you aren’t getting the type of service you need; you should look for another contractor that provides product and labour warranties line-up with the goals you have set out.

Evaluate the Presentation

The presentation of a proposal says a great deal about a contractor. If the submitted quote contains details, addendums and is comprehensive, the contractor is conscientious about his work. For the contractor that uses photos and illustrations to make points about the work required, you can rest assured that the contractor has your best interests in mind.

Choosing Between Almost Identical Roofing Proposals

Roofing quotes can be similar, and when evaluating two proposals that are alike, trust is the most significant factor when considering a roofing company. Quotes are a sketch for any project, and when you have produced a picture that a client can see and understand, you are relationship building. Indeed, you can be persuaded by past performance. But it shouldn’t be the deciding factor when it comes to a roofing quote. Meticulous attention to detail and addressing concerns is where deals are won or lost, and that is where professional integrity shines.

Integrity Roofers Can Help with Commercial Roofing

commercial roofing industry Our background in the commercial roofing industry spans two decades. We employ best practices on every commercial or industrial job we service. Efficiency and affordability are the keys to a successful roofing job, and we demonstrate our ability to deliver in the promise with every roofing job we assume. Meeting and exceeding expectations is what we do at Integrity Roofers, and our transparency is one thing that separates us from other roofing companies.

Skilled Employees with A Wealth of Experience

When you work with us, we guarantee:

  • A wealth of resources for prosecuting roofing problems in emergencies and related services
  • Attention to detail, no matter how small
  • Safety is job one, and we use safety equipment at all jobs we work on
  • Delivery on the promise of excellent quality service and a fair price

To obtain a free quote for your roofing work, we ask that you call our office today to speak to a roofing expert at Integrity Roofers at 647.953.9365.

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