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How Residential Roof Repairs & Eavestrough Repairs Go Hand in Hand

How Residential Roof Repairs & Eavestrough Repairs Go Hand in Hand

January 17, 2020

Home improvements are the bane of any homeowner. For a responsible homeowner, home improvement projects are essential to protect your primary asset that is your home. A roof repair is a typical home improvement project that every homeowner will need at least once in his or her life. Roof repairs can be combined with an eavestrough replacement or a roof replacement when a project demands action.

Two Birds with One Stone

Combining projects represents a lot of value for a homeowner when you realize both projects have cost reductions built-in. A roofing repair will require a contractor, and if you have one onsite, why not look into an eavestrough, soffit and fascia repair to update your entire roofing system. Roofing repair services can provide the support a homeowner needs for upgrades to the roofing system with limited cost increases. The rain gutters provide a vital service for a roofing system, and a roof repair in Toronto will help identify problems with your gutters. When the contractor ascends your roof, a roofing repair in Toronto will find cracked gutters, damaged fascia or soffits that re in need of repair/replacement. When you find that the accessories to your roofing system require the attention of a roofing contractor, don’t hesitate to replace the soffit, fascia, or eavestrough.

Roof repairs in Toronto will be identified by water overflowing gutters, split or cracked gutters, or watermarks on the side of your home. These are the telltale signs of damaged gutters that need a Toronto roof repair. A roof repair that is required due to storm damage, replacing the gutters, is a no-brainer, as they will be damaged also. When you look at the cost of one major home improvement job as opposed to two smaller jobs that cost more in the long run, you will side with the one-time charge. Cost certainty is a significant factor here. You have control of your finances instead of waiting for the other shoe to drop. Depending on how you finance the work, a home equity loan can be the best way to meet the financial challenges that the job requires.

But If It Isn’t Broke, Don’t Fix It.

Your gutters may not require replacement when you are replacing or repairing your roof. If that is the case, don’t replace them. Some contractors will attempt to upsell a homeowner on replacement gutters for a nominal fee, but why spend the money when it isn’t necessary? The gutters on your home could be better than what you are being sold, and then you get an inferior product installed when you don’t need it. Another problem that can be encountered is the contractor doesn’t have the same level of expertise installing gutters as they do installing roofing systems.

If a contractor is trying to sell you new gutters, get him to show you why you need them before you replace them. You went to the trouble of finding a qualified roofing contractor, why let them install gutters if you don’t know how able they are to do the job.

To Replace Gutters or Not to Replace Gutters

When you are screening contractors for a potential roof repair or replacement, don’t succumb to pressure to replace your gutters. Before you sign on the dotted line, make sure that the contractor is equally adept at installing gutters as they are installing roofing systems. To get the best of both worlds, Integrity Roofers is a company that can provide the wrap-around service for your home. Spending money on non-existent problems is a drain of resources, and you don’t always know what you are buying.

To make the most of your home improvement dollars, call Integrity Roofers for a consultation and professional estimate for roof and eavestrough repairs at 416-736-7373.


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